A bouquet of yellow roses against a mauve background

Offerings From The Ancestors

Yesterday I bought myself a dozen yellow roses because they reminded me of my grandmother. This indulgent purchase is an exercise of a practice I’ve been deepening into, which is allowing myself more “simple pleasure expenses”, especially when they are a portal to experiencing my ancestors.

The key word here is “simple”, so for myself this practice looks mostly like buying a bouquet of their favorite flowers, or a special pantry item, or a set of beeswax taper candles to light their altar or my dinner table [because remember, food and the kitchen is one of the main ancestral altars I tend to!].

The inspiration comes as a surprise every time, like an unexpected but welcomed knock on the door from the spirit realm. In the case of yesterday’s yellow roses, I walked into the store and casually observed the selection of potted herbs and bouquets while I picked up a basket at the door. There, manifesting as the one and only bunch of golden rosey blooms, was my grandmother speaking to me through flowers. Oh, hi, it’s you! I recognized her instantly and it felt as though there was no other option but to bring her home with me.

It feels like a gift exchange with my ancestors — they pay a surprise visit [gift for me] and then in honor of them, I bring home with me that which they nudge my way [gift to them and also to me, who gets to enjoy said item in its earthly form].

It’s a practice in listening and receptivity. Offerings are quietly left for us, waiting to be noticed, to be received, to be accepted, but they can easily go unacknowledged if we are moving through life too quickly. It’s the fleeting magic moments — like an unusual cloud formation, or noticing a personally significant sequence of numbers out in the world, or a one and only bouquet of special flowers — that are life’s simple pleasures. This is one of the ways that our ancestors and spirit family interact with us, how they build a bridge between our world and theirs, and it is truly nothing short of magical.



When do you notice your spirit family reaching out to you?

Through what tangible items do they do this through?

How do you respond to, receive, and reciprocate their offerings?

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